
A Tinder-style single-page application for choosing somewhere to eat. Composed entirely of Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails. Players type in a search query, vote on the search results, and view the results after all the players have voted.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Chickedn Tinder Meme

The original inspration for this application comes from this meme.

Chicken Tinder

This is a "Tinder-style" application that would be used as a game for multiple people to play. It uses the Yelp "Fusion API" and gets Yelp results for the user, creates player names and asks the users to each vote one at a time for each result. Each result that was voted for by all players is then shown in a list of matches with information and links to the results Yelp pages.

This is a live application you can use online. Check it out at ChickenTinder.com

Getting Started

The Rails backend is rendering a JSON format API that is fetched by the JavaScript frontend. To start Rails run command bundle install from directory ChickenTinder/backend_rails. Before running the migrations for the database and starting a server using the rails s command you will need to load environment variables and change the /backend_rails/config/environments/database.yml as needed with your own information. I used gem 'dotenv-rails' to load env variables so you will have a ".env" file in your top directory to insert your ENV variables. You will also need to obtain a key to be used in the app/models/game.rb class for the external API. The .env should look like this >

KEY="Yelp Fusion key"
CHICKEN_TINDER_DATABASE_PASSWORD="postgres database password"

Visit yelp.com/fusion and click "get started" for information about Fusion API.


'ruby 2.6.5'
'rails (~> 5.2.4, >='


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details