
Examples of how to write programs in assembly language for the Atari 2600.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Atari 2600 6507 DASM Assembly Examples

Examples of how to write programs in assembly language for the Atari 2600.


Install Dependencies

Debian-based systems:

apt install dasm stella

Using Dependencies

dasm <source file> [options]
stella [options] <ROM file>


# dasm
-o<name>  # generate output file with name
-l<name>  # generate list file with name
-s<name>  # generate symbol file with name
-f<#>     # output format 1 - 3 (default 1)
-v<#>     # verboseness 0 - 4 (default 0)
-S        # strict syntax checking

# stella
-debug    # start in debug mode

Notes About Registers


When written to with any value (it will do its thing regardless of the value it is set to), the WSYNC register will wait for the leading edge of the horizontal blank.

Atari 2600 Programming Resources