
Title: Game Jam Description: A project that will consist of the implementation of several board and arcade games along with a system to track high scores and other interesting information. Over the course of the project, 6 games will be implemented and integrated seamlessly into a user system. The games that will be implemented are as following: - Tic-tac-toe - Black Jack - Connect 4 - Battleship - Checkers - Space invaders (Clone of the classic arcade game) Backup games: (In case we have extra time) - Reversi - backgammon For each game, an underlying system will enable each game to do the following for each user: - Track best/highest score - Save, restore and delete the most recent gamestate For each game: - Will use an AI to play as the opposing player - The AI will have at least 2 difficulty levels - Track the global best/highest score

Primary LanguageJava

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