
Collection of SPEC files that I mantain, available in the copr https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/capucho/

Collection of SPEC files that I mantain for my personal use, available in the copr


Copr build status


KDE Plasma extension, that lets you tile your windows automatically and manage them via keyboard, just like in classical tiling window managers (i3, dwm or XMonad).

Steam Tinker Launch

Copr build status


Steam Tinker Launch (short steamtinkerlaunch) is a Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client which allows customizing and start tools and options for games quickly on the fly

By using a versatile configuration structure it is both easy to set up and flexible.

Wallpaper engine kde plugin

Requires adding the rpm fusion repo first


A kde wallpaper plugin integrating wallpaper engine


Copr build status


NS-USBloader is:

  • A PC-side installer for Huntereb/Awoo-Installer / other compatible installers (USB and Network supported) and XorTroll/GoldLeaf (USB) NSP installer. Alternative to default usb_install_pc.py, remote_install_pc.py, GoldTree/Quark.
  • RCM payload tool that works on Windows, macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon) and Linux (x86, amd64 and Raspberry Pi ARM).
  • It's a tool for creating split files!
  • Also you can use it for merging split-files into one :)