Duplicate points for site
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Given 2 points, 144.15753183116175, 148.76233737400082
and -140.05365988451959, 143.19845406198522
with the polygon:
{ 250, 200 },
{ 250, -200 },
{ -250, -200 },
{ -250, 200 }
The pos[0].x
and pos[0].y
of the edges in site 0 is:
{ 0.994417, 200 }
{ 8.82505, -200 }
{ 250, -200 }
{ 250, 200 }
{ 0.994417, 200 }
{ 8.82505, -200 }
{ 250, -200 }
{ 250, 200 }
The first 4 points are correct, but they are duplicated, resulting in a total of 8 points.
Manage to replicate the issue, it is something to do with double precision and it seems to work if I remove double precision defines below:
#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_FLT_MAX std::numeric_limits<JCV_REAL_TYPE>::max()
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt
#define JCV_PI 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875
then the behaviour is correct and there will be 4 points. With the double precision defines, there are 8 points.
Minimal example below:
#include "doctest/doctest.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
//Use double precision
#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_FLT_MAX std::numeric_limits<JCV_REAL_TYPE>::max();
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt
#define JCV_PI 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875
#include "voronoi/src/jc_voronoi_clip.h"
std::vector<jcv_point> polygonVector =
jcv_point{ 250, 200 },
jcv_point{ -250, 200 },
jcv_point{ -250, -200 },
jcv_point{ 250, -200 }
std::vector<jcv_point> pointsVector =
jcv_point{ 144.15753183116175, 148.76233737400082},
jcv_point{ -140.05365988451959, 143.19845406198522 }
std::vector<jcv_point> partition;
jcv_clipping_polygon polygon;
polygon.num_points = (int)polygonVector.size();
polygon.points = polygonVector.data();
jcv_clipper polygonclipper;
polygonclipper.test_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_test_point;
polygonclipper.clip_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_clip_edge;
polygonclipper.fill_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_fill_gaps;
polygonclipper.ctx = &polygon;
jcv_rect rect;
rect.min = { -250, -200 };
rect.max = { 250, 200 };
//Compute diagram
jcv_diagram diagram;
memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
jcv_diagram_generate((int)pointsVector.size(), (const jcv_point*)pointsVector.data(), &rect, &polygonclipper, &diagram);
//Get sites
const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&diagram);
jcv_graphedge* currentEdge = nullptr;
for(int i = 0; i < diagram.numsites; i++)
const jcv_site* currentSite = &sites[i];
if (currentSite->index == 0)
currentEdge = currentSite->edges;
size_t i = 0;
while (currentEdge)
std::cout << currentEdge->pos[0].x << "\t" << currentEdge->pos[0].y << std::endl;
currentEdge = currentEdge->next;
REQUIRE(i == 4);
// check that we didn't accidentally add a duplicate (rare), then remove it
if( ge->next && ge->angle == ge->next->angle )
if( jcv_point_eq( &ge->pos[0], &ge->next->pos[0] ) && jcv_point_eq( &ge->pos[1], &ge->next->pos[1] ) )
ge->next = ge->next->next; // Throw it away, they're so few anyways
jcv_point_eq( &ge->pos[1], &ge->next->pos[1] )
is returning false, causing the edge not to be pruned:
I'm guessing it's a side effect of using double precision.
Possible solution:
static inline int jcv_point_eq( const jcv_point* pt1, const jcv_point* pt2 )
return (fabs(pt1->y - pt2->y) < JCV_EPSILON) && (fabs(pt1->x - pt2->x) < JCV_EPSILON);
@JCash, what are your thoughts?