- 7
An infinite loop in the function `jcv_boxshape_fillgaps`(line 1236 in jc_voronoi.h)
#83 opened by YoungCapta1n - 1
unsure how to use
#89 opened by sir306 - 0
3d voronoi fracture.
#88 opened by OmidGhotbi - 0
Very nice library
#87 opened by zdavkeos - 7
Many very small edges
#81 opened by fatlimey - 0
Usage in MTEX
#86 opened by ralfHielscher - 0
- 9
- 3
Wasm support
#84 opened by LeXXik - 4
memory crash
#82 opened by YoungCapta1n - 2
How to get the information of the voronoi vertices and which voronoi cells it is sharing with ?
#80 opened by go2souvik - 1
Access to the site by its index
#60 opened by Mikez2015 - 4
- 21
Clipping against 2D Bounding box
#79 opened by AndreAhmed - 6
Running generator yields faulty edges
#47 opened by lundmark - 0
floor & ceil
#75 opened by urraka - 0
Question about the 3D voronoi diagram
#53 opened by mizuki-saito - 1
Suggestion for easier user experience
#61 opened by liuyinglao - 2
Support for Polygons with islands
#62 opened by esuig - 1
SDL2 render?
#52 opened by IvaOsi - 1
Usage of Voronoi library
#55 opened by Lena1111111111 - 1
Undefined Behavior - misaligned address
#56 opened by ibanic - 3
Bug: graph is missing edges
#65 opened by JoHoop - 4
How to support clip by nonconvex boundary?
#50 opened by manuel76413 - 1
- 1
The example Voronoi relaxation is a bit different than Lloyd’s algorithm on Wikipedia.
#71 opened by issuefiler - 8
voronoi map:multiple polygons intersects
#69 opened by lxzmxl - 0
- 1
Assertion error on jcv_diagram_generate
#49 opened by AtsushiSakai - 2
Add linux compile support
#67 opened by HeinrichWizardKreuser - 0
- 2
Duplicate points for site
#63 opened by williamleong - 1
Please help me, I understand how get neigbors
#59 opened by Mikez2015 - 0
- 3
Assertion on polygon bounds
#54 opened by Balgy - 1
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt when using double
#51 opened by yoavmil - 6
Time Complexity Question
#48 opened by zigui-ps - 2
Unneccessary assignment?
#45 opened by lundmark - 2
Feature Request for more generalized clipping.
#12 opened by stolk - 0
bounds are calculated incorrectly
#42 opened by GrahamAsher - 1
Tesselation occasionally incorrect, seemingly involves having identical y coordinates
#39 opened by kentdobias - 3
half edge neighbor is incorrect
#37 opened by godpenguin7 - 1
Missing a way to get an indexed diagram
#23 opened by trikko - 0
Feature request: Unique Vertices
#36 opened by cyfung - 3
Incorrect number of edges in specific case
#22 opened by archimedes4000 - 1
Graph edges point to the wrong edge
#28 opened by JCash - 5
List of unique vertices
#21 opened by kewp - 9
Site-point collisions
#20 opened by kewp - 14
Site vertices
#19 opened by kewp - 5
Assertion `pq->numitems < pq->maxnumitems' failed.
#15 opened by stolk