
3D data representation on 3 axis


3D data representation on 3 axis




This project allows you to represent multi-dimensional data in a dynamic 3D graph. The user can move, rotate and zoom in the 3D world by using the mouse. He can also filter the data he wants to see in the graph with the help of the legend panel. The graph is built using JSON representation, format is explained in the JSON Format chapter.


  • JavaScript
  • WebGL (with Three.js framework)

Install Notes

Simply connect the API with your server by modifying index.html. The Communicator's url should be the address of the JSON.

Css can be modified thru style.css in css file.

JSON Format


settings - optional scale logarithmic linear type curve barchart terrain

Settings are optional and allows to choose a scale for the graph and a entrance type.


The scale is either linear which is perfect for small data gaps or logarithmic which allows to display huge data gaps with a certain coherence.


The type defines the graph type displayed at first, then the menu allows the user to choose another graph type.

Curves are a group of linked points forming a pseudo line
chart modelized in a volume.

This representation builds a cuboid for each data point.

The terrain shows spikes or drops with a different color
code if the data is near the max.


This object defines the displayed name of each three axes.

axes constant dataY dataZ


This object specifies a static color for each "constant" id, where "constant" is the axe.

colors [ id color ]


This optional object is used to display strings on the graph. It uses a child object name after the concerned axe. It binds "data"'s axe id with the string.

strings - optional constant - optional id int name string dataY - optional id int name string dataZ - optional id int name string


data [ constant int date dataY int date dataZ int date ]


Each value is an example showing what can be given to the corresponding key.

        "scale": "logarithmic",
        "type": "curve"
        "dataY":"Number of click",