Simple data structures programmed for learning.
- pushBack() - adds an element at the end of the list
- pushFront() - adds an element at the beginning of the list
- print() - prints all the values. Can be used with string parameter which will be sign(s) seperating items
- clear() - removes all the elements
- size() - returns number of elements
- assign() - sets all the values as set in parameter
- empty() - checks if the list is empty
- find() - returns index of searched value, returns -1 if element not found
- remove() - removes element at selected index
- at() - accesses specified element with bounds checking
- popFront() - removes the first element
- popBack() - removes the last element
- min() - returns the lowest value
- max() - returns the biggest value
- insert() - inserts element in specified index
- front() - accesses the first element
- back() - accesses the last element
- operator[] - accesses specified element with bounds checking
- swap() - swaps two specified elements
- pushBack() - adds an element at the end of the list
- pushFront() - adds an element at the beginning of the list
- print() - prints all the values. Can be used with string parameter which will be sign(s) seperating items
- clear() - removes all the elements
- size() - returns number of elements
- assign() - sets all the values as set in parameter
- empty() - checks if the list is empty
- find() - returns index of searched value, returns -1 if element not found
- remove() - removes element at selected index
- at() - accesses specified element with bounds checking
- popFront() - removes the first element
- popBack() - removes the last element
- min() - returns the lowest value
- max() - returns the biggest value
- insert() - inserts element in specified index
- front() - accesses the first element
- back() - accesses the last element
- operator[] - accesses specified element with bounds checking
- swap() - swaps two specified elements
- push() - adds an element at the of the stack
- pop() - removes the element at the top of the stack
- peek() - accesses the element at the top of the stack
- clear() - removes all the elements
- size() - returns number of elements
- empty() - checks if the stack is empty
- enqueue() - adds an element at the end the queue
- dequeue() - removes the element at the begin of the queue
- front() - accesses the element at the begin of the queue
- back() - accesses the element at the end of the queue
- size() - returns number of elements
- empty() - checks if the queue is empty
- clear() - removes all the elements
- swap() - swaps two specified elements
Project is created with:
- C++
- CMake
- GTests