
A node module that provides tiiny things to help developers to write less lines...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TIINYTINY Supportive Library

This library is aimed to provide some useful functions for developers to make their code shorter!


Simply type the following command to install this module

npm install tiinytiny


To use this module, simply requires the module and use the functions attached on the returned object.

let tiiny = require( 'tiinytiny' );

Built-in object extensions

Since that the module is designed to extend the capabilities of the existing built-in objects, the supportive apis will be attached onto the built-in ojbects by default. Developers who don't want to mess with the built-in objects can use the following statement before the first use of tiinytiny module.


Here's an example for developers who want to use tiinytiny but don't want to mess with their global built-in objects.

require( 'tiinytiny/safe' );
let tiiny = require( 'tiinytiny' );

Note that once the tiinytiny/safe is invoked, there tiinytiny apis will not be attached on the built-in objects anymore!

Package dependent extensions

Tiinytiny is aimed to provide more convenient usages to the both exsisting apis or libraries. So there're still some other extensions dependent on different packages. And these extensions will not be exported by default. Developers have to require them manually. For insance, the mongodb extension must be required in the following way.


Default API List

This section lists the apis defined in the library.

ImprintProperties(target, properties, options)

The api that defines a set of properties using Object.defineProperties on to an arbitrary object. This api provides easier and more intuitive usage which prevent the needs to assign the annoying options - {value, writable, configurable, enumerable} - per property.


name type descriptions
target Object
properties Object
options Object Options {writable, configurable, enumerable} will be applied on all properties
Array Options [writable, configurable, enumerable] will be applied on all properties
Boolean Equals to options [value, value, true] of Array input


The target object provided in the first argument.

extension point



const tiiny = require('tiinytiny');

// Append two properties, prop1 and prop2, onto an object and return the object instance
// The properties are created with {writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable:true}
let target = tiiny.ImprintProperties({}, {
	prop1: 1, prop2: 2
}, true);

PromiseWaitAll( promises )

The original Promise.all api will only guarantee that all the promises are resolved, it will reject immediately if any promise fails. Hence, developers will never know all other promises' statuses. This api is provided to solve this problem by waiting all the promises to end and return all the promises' results.


name type descriptions
promises Promise[] An array of promises to be waited


An array of objects (listed in the following table) that decribes the promises' results.

field type descriptions
resolved Boolean true if the promise is successfully resolved
seq Number The promise's index in the original input promise array
result Any The execution result returned by the promise

extension point



const tiiny = require('tiinytiny');

let promises = [ Promise.resolve(), Promise.reject(), 1, 2, 3 ];
let results = await tiiny.PromiseWaitAll(promises);
    console.log(`${pRes.seq}: ${pRes.resolved?'resolved':'rejected'}`);

Include( modulePath )

It's a tiny api that helps the developers to solve the relative path problem without making the node module tree dirty. This api will use the entry module's location as base position to resolve relative paths. So the api will perform module require logic on behave of the entry module.


name type descriptions
modulePath String The path of the requied module


The requested module instance if succeeded, an exception will be raised otherwise.

extension point



 **     Project Structure
 **         /entry.js
 **         /c/some.js
 **         /a/b/sub.js

// module /c/some.js
const tiiny = require('tiinytiny');
const fs = tiiny.Include( 'fs' );
const sub = tiiny.Include( './a/b/sub' );

Period(callback(deltaTime), [countdown])

A simple timer api allows developers to execute infinitely or a number of times.


name type descriptions
callback Function The path of the requied module
countdown Integer The times the callback will be executed


The Period will return an Object with the following properties that allows developers to control over the execution process.

    waitable: @Promise,     // A promise that is resolved when the period is stopped
    isStopped: @bool,       // Whether the period is stopped
    stop: @Function,        // Stop the periodic callback
    pause: @Function,       // Pause the periodic callback
    resume: @Function       // Resume the periodic callback

Please be noted that the callback will not be executed again if the period instance is being stopped by calling stop() method or the countdown condition is reached!

MongoDB Driver Extension

This extension is aimed to extend the apis provided by MongoDB Driver.

Registration Point

This extension is being registered at following module path


Cursor.prototype.forEach(iteration_cb, [end_cb])

This extension allows users to skip the second argument, end_cb of orgiinal forEach api. If end_cb is not passed, a Promise is returned which will be resolved when the whole iteration is done!



let collection;     // The mongodb collection to be operated on
let dataSet = [];

// await when the iteration is done!
await collection.find({}).forEach((doc)=>{
    // Do something on the doc
    doc.id = doc._id.toString();
    delete doc._id;

// Do something on the collected data