"# Useful-Codes" #To initialize a git repository $ git init
#Create a new repository $ git remote add origin https://
#Check Github repository $ git remote -v
#Change Github repository $ git remote set-url origin https://
To update your local copy of the code, run this in the terminal:
git pull origin master
When you have made some changes and want to register all these changes to git, run this in the terminal:
git commit --all -m "XXXXX"
where XXXXX is some message that you want to associate with this update. You can write things like "I fixed a small typo in the file main.py" or "Implemented a new machine-learning strategy".
If you added a new file, say "output.csv", you will need to add it to the git tracking system first with the following command:
git add output.csv
And then you can commit it using the previous command. The message for this could be something like "Added a new file called output.csv".
To upload your changes to the server (github) after you committed them, run this in the terminal:
git push origin master