
Note Taker that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieve note data from a JSON file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note Taker that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieve note data from a JSON file. This application has been deployed with Heroku.

Table of Contents


Created a server.js with the required links to use Express and create a local server, also provided the links to the routes paths that were created. The notes are saved in an array of objects.

Link to deployed note taker: Deployed site

image of notes taker home image of notes


GIVEN a note-taking application WHEN I open the Note Taker THEN I am presented with a landing page with a link to a notes page WHEN I click on the link to the notes page THEN I am presented with a page with existing notes listed in the left-hand column, plus empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column WHEN I enter a new note title and the note’s text THEN a Save icon appears in the navigation at the top of the page WHEN I click on the Save icon THEN the new note I have entered is saved and appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes WHEN I click on an existing note in the list in the left-hand column THEN that note appears in the right-hand column WHEN I click on the Write icon in the navigation at the top of the page THEN I am presented with empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column


There is no need to install anything, to use the note taker simply follow the link below.

See deployed site here: Deployed Site;

See repository here: GitHub Repo