Task assignment

Stack: Blazor + API controllers, MSSQL Objective: Phonebook contacts Use: Dependency Injection MSSQL single table: Contact, field: FirstName, LastName, bool IsActive, datetime BirthDate, Email, TelephoneNumber

Gui screen 1 - overview of all contacts with search

  • overview of all contacts, search via FirstName, LastName
  • search via birthdate from-to
  • search via IsActive
  • search via phone number, whether it is entered in the filter with or without spaces, i.e. in any way
  • possibility to add a new contact
  • possibility to go to the edit screen

Gui screen 2 - edit contact

  • string fields
  • date field
  • checkbox for IsActive
  • masked edit for phone number = display in segments of three digits (NNN NNN NNN)
  • validation of the email that it is in the correct format
  • display the current age of the contact, automatically on the fly recalculated when I change the BirthDate field

Quick start

The application uses the entity framework to work with the database and uses migration. Therefore, before using the application, it is necessary to set up database migrations.

  1. ) Change the connection string in appsettings.json
  2. ) In the server application directory, run the dotnet ef database update CLI command to apply the database migration

For instalation Entity Framework use CLI command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

  1. ) After applying migrations, you can run the application in VS

