
Examples interfacing with ChannelAdvisor API Services in Python 3


Examples interfacing with ChannelAdvisor API Services in Python 3


Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/

A Python 3 port of suds available through pypi at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/suds-jurko or by running the following command in your terminal:

$ sudo pip3 install suds-jurko


Admin Service

Cart Service

  • CreateCart
  • GetCart
  • DeleteCart
  • ModifyCart
  • Ping

Fulfillment Service

  • CreateOrderFulfillments
  • GetOrderFulfillmentDetailList
  • MoveFulfillmentItems
  • UpdateOrderFulfillments

Inventory Service

  • AddUpsellRelationship
  • AssignLabelListToInventoryItemList
  • DeleteInventoryItem
  • DeleteUpsellRelationship
  • DoesSkuExist
  • DoesSkuExistList
  • GetClassificationConfigurationInformation
  • GetDistributionCenterList
  • GetFilteredInventoryItemList
  • GetFilteredSkuList
  • GetInventoryItemAttributeList
  • GetInventoryItemList
  • GetInventoryItemQuantityInfo
  • GetInventoryItemStoreInfo
  • GetInventoryItemImageList
  • GetInventoryItemShippingInfo
  • GetInventoryItemVariationInfo
  • GetInventoryQuantity
  • GetInventoryQuantityList
  • GetUpsellRelationship
  • Ping
  • RemoveLabelListFromInventoryItemList
  • SynchInventoryItem
  • SynchInventoryItemList
  • UpdateInventoryItemQuantityAndPrice
  • UpdateInventoryItemQuantityAndPriceList

Listing Service

  • WithdrawListings

Market Ad Service

  • AddMarketplaceAd
  • AddMarketplaceAdForSkuList
  • DeleteMarketplaceAd

Order Service

  • GetOrderList
  • GetOrderRefundHistory
  • Ping
  • OrderMerge
  • OrderSplit
  • SubmitOrder
  • SubmitOrderRefund
  • SetOrdersExportStatus
  • SetSellerOrderID
  • SetSellerOrderItemIDList
  • UpdateOrderList

Shipping Service

  • Ping
  • GetOrderShipmentHistoryList
  • GetShippingRateList
  • GetShippingCarrierList
  • SubmitOrderShipmentList

Store Service

  • Ping
  • GetSearchAnalysisStats