
Ruby Web application to your expenses

Primary LanguageRuby

Spending Tracker

Build an app that allows a user to track their spending using Ruby, Sinatra and PostgreSQL

Inspired by: Monzo, MoneyDashboard, lots of mobile/online banking apps

User Stories / Acceptance Criteria - MVP:

  • The user should be able to create, edit and delete merchants, e.g. Tesco, Amazon, ScotRail
  • The user should be able to create, edit and delete tags for their spending, e.g. groceries, entertainment, transport
  • The user should be able to assign tags and merchants to a transaction, as well as an amount spent on each transaction.
  • The app should display all the transactions a user has made in a single view, with each transaction's amount, merchant and tag, and a total for all transactions.

Setup Server

Navigate to the db folder in your terminal type psql -d atlantis -f atlantis.sql to create and populate your database.
gem install sinatra sinatra-contrib
Type ruby seeds.rb and hit return (enter) this will populate the db

Setup Client

Navigate back to Spending Tracker folder
Type ruby app.rb and hit return (enter) this should open in default browser...
If it doesn't open web address http://localhost:4567/