
A demo node/express API project using bookshelf, knex and postgres with schema migrations

Primary LanguageJavaScript



package manager

This project uses pnpm to manage dependencies. Install pnpm with npm install -g pnpm and run pnpm install to install dependencies.

see https://pnpm.io/installation for more information on pnpm.


This project uses volta to manage node versions. Install volta and run volta install to install the correct node version.

To install volta run the following command in the terminal.

curl https://get.volta.sh | bash


  1. install the project dependencies pnpm install
  2. create a .env file with the contents of .env.example
  3. knex migrate:latest
  4. knex seed:run
  5. npm run dev
  6. test the api endpoints work with VSCode REST Client

importing the db

imports a db from local backup.sql file

npm run db:drop
npm run db:create
npm run db:import

alternatively you can copy the db to the container with npm run db:copy and from the shell you can import the db with:

psql -U postgres -d <dbname> < backup.sql

If you encounter ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff

Simply create a new backup.sql file and copy the contents of the old file into a new file. Then run the import scripts.

also check the collation of your db if you encounter issues

echo $LANG
`en_US.utf8` or `en_GB.UTF-8`

export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8

backing up the db

to backup the db simply run npm run db:backup this will run the following command on the docker container

docker exec <db-container-name> /usr/bin/pg_dump -U <dbuser> <dbname> > backup.sql

adding new tables

you will need to create new tables with a migration or with a custom script

migrations with knex

to use migrations install knex globally npm install -g knex

You can create and run migrations with the knex cli.

  1. create a migration knex migrate:make create_table
  2. add logic to the migration file to create required tables
  3. run the migration knex migrate:latest to update the db with new tables


you can see the database with data; the migrations will only create the required tables

To run a seed use npm run seed:run to run the seed file