
Docker image for read-tv (Research & Exploratory Analysis Driven Time-data Visualization).

Table of contents


This is the docker project for the read-tv application.

read-tv is a shiny application and associated console interface designed for visualizing changepoints in irregularly and regularly spaced longitudinal data.

More information about read-tv can be found at the read-tv repo.



  • Docker installation
  • Host OS is a Linux variant, such as Ubuntu or Mac OSX.
    • This Docker image is based from the "rocker/r-devel" image, which itself is based on a light version of Ubuntu.


These steps are to run the application on a local machine, on port 8080.

  1. Download or clone the current github project

    git clone
  2. Build the docker image
    a. cd into the read-tv-docker directory
    b. build the docker image

    sudo docker build -t readtv/readtvdocker .

    c. You should be able to see the built image after about 30 minutes.

    sudo docker images
  3. Run and create a container from the image

    sudo docker run -p 8080:80 -v [path to cloned read-tv-docker repo] -itd readtv/readtvdocker bash
    • You should now see the running container
    sudo docker container ls --format 'table{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Image}}'
  4. Attach to the running container.

    sudo docker attach elated_booth[docker will give a different name to your container]
  5. While inside the container, cd to the read-tv directory and launch R: R

  6. Run application

    >>> library(readtv)
    >>> app = launchReadtv()
    >>> shiny::runApp(app, port = 80, host='')
  7. Detach from docker container.
    ^p^q (control p, control q)


Open browser and type http://localhost:8080 in the location bar. I am running it on a remote server, hence the location bar is slightly different.

There is a read-tv tutorial at the read-tv repo.