
A simple library to lighten and quicken the use of discord's oauth2 API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple library to lighten and quicken the use of discord's oauth2


Lets get started with using OAuth-cord!

Set Up

First we require the oauth-cord package. Then create a new instance of a Client which gives us access to multiple methods!

const OAuthCord = require("oauth-cord");
const client = new OAuthCord.Client();

Setting some params

Next we need to tell our client some things like a redirctUrl and some scopes.

const OAuthCord = require("oauth-cord");
const client = new OAuthCord.Client();

client.setRedirect("http://localhost:8080/login"); // Sets for URL to redirect to after authorizing

client.setScopes(["identitfy", "guilds"]); // Set the scopes


Now we get to the fun part!


When you authorize the app you will get a code. You use that code to get an access token. Note: this method is async so use we use await here.

const token = await client.getToken(code); // pass code as param


This method lets us get basic user info! Note: If you add the email scope you will also get the users email in the user object.

const token = await client.getToken(code); 

client.getUser(token); // set token you got as a param


Use this to get a list of a users profile connections.

const token = await client.getToken(code); 



This method returns the guilds a user is in.

const token = await client.getToken(code); 



Adds a user to a choosen guild! Note: You need to create bot for your discord app and have it in the server your trying to invite users to with the "CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE" permission for this to work.

const token = await client.getToken(code); 

client.addUserGuild(token, botToken, serverId);
// pass token, botToken, and serverId are params

And thats it! Thats all the methods for now.


Feel free to contribute to this project by opening a pull request on github. If you have any sugestions or issues open up a issue on github!
