
Java car reservation system, allowing users to view available cars. Uses ArrayList to store the inventory of cars, allows the user to make a selection from a menu of options in a while loop.

Primary LanguageJava

Car Reservation System

This is a Java program that allows users to view and reserve cars from an inventory.

How to Use

To run the program, compile the CarReservationSystem.java file using a Java compiler. Then run the program using the java command:

java CarReservationSystem

This will launch the program and display a menu with three options:

  • Enter 1 to view available cars
  • Enter 2 to reserve a car
  • Enter 0 to exit the program

To view available cars, select option 1. This will display a list of cars that are currently available for reservation.

To reserve a car, select option 2. You will be prompted to enter the make and model of the car you want to reserve. If the car is available, the program will reserve it and notify you. If the car is not available or not found in the inventory, the program will notify you as well.

To exit the program, select option 0. This will terminate the program.

Challenge Implementation Description

The challenge was to implement a car reservation system that allows users to view and reserve cars from an inventory. The program should be able to handle multiple users at the same time. The program should also be able to handle multiple reservations for the same car.

The Car class represents a car in the inventory. It has four private fields: make, model, year, and available. It has a constructor that initializes these fields, and getter and setter methods to access and modify them. It also has a toString method that returns a string representation of the car.

The CarReservationSystem class is the main class of the program. It has a private static inventory field that is an ArrayList of Car objects. It also has two private static methods: viewAvailableCars and reserveCar. The viewAvailableCars method loops through the inventory and prints the available cars. The reserveCar method prompts the user for the make and model of the car to reserve, loops through the inventory to find the car, and reserves it if available.

The main method of the CarReservationSystem class initializes the inventory with some sample cars, and displays a menu to the user. It uses a Scanner object to read user input, and a switch statement to execute the selected option.

Car Reservation System UML Diagram