
Sticker Downloader Bot is a Telegram Bot written in Python for downloading telegram stickers.

Primary LanguagePython

Sticker Downloader bot

Sticker Downloader Bot is a Telegram Bot written in Python for downloading telegram stickers.

Generating an Access Token

To make it work, you'll need an access TOKEN (it should look something like 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11). If you don't have it, you have to talk to @BotFather and follow a few simple steps (described here).

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Clone the repo git@github.com:JDidyk19/sticker-downloader-bot.git
  • Set your token to the environment variables
    • On Linux/MAC OS terminal export TOKEN='your token'
    • On Windows 10 Command LIne set TOKEN=your token
  • cd sticker-downloader-bot
  • Create a virtual environment virtualenv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment source venv/bin/activate
  • Execute the command pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Start app bot/python3 main.py

Hosting telegram bot on Heroku for free

Easy way to host your python telegram bot on Heroku.

Deploying via Heroku Dashboard

  • If you don't have an account, you need to create a Heroku account here.

  • Go to Dashboard, Press New and choose Create new app.

  • Fill in an App Name and choose Runtime Region.

  • Connect your GitHub repo at Deploy page.

  • Setup Automatics deploys (Optionaly).

  • Deploy a GitHub branch.

  • Then go to a Settings page, click Reveal Config Vars and then add your TOKEN:

  • Finally, go to the Resources page.

    • Install Heroku Redis add-on (Optionaly).
    • Press on a small pen button, move slider and then click Confirm, that will start bot dyno.
    • Simply move slider back if you need to stop bot dyno, remember to click Confirm.
    • If for some reason it’s not working, check the logs here