
Prepare Aeronav charts (sectional, IFR low/high, WAC, TAC, heli etc) for use as a seamless mosaic of mbtiles

Primary LanguageShell

The purpose of this utility is to process the freely provided FAA/Aeronav digital aviation charts from GeoTiffs into seamless mbtiles suitable for use in mapping applications.

It has only been tested under Ubuntu 14.10+

Sectionals Enroute Low ![Enroute Low with oceanic](https://raw.github.com/jlmcgraw/aviationCharts/master/Screenshots/enroute-low with oceanic.png) WAC



- Handle charts which cross the anti-meridian (tilers_tools handles this)
- Pull out insets and georeference them as necessary
- Pursue a multithreaded gdal2tiles that can auto determine zoom levels
- Use make to update only as necessary  (done via memoize.py)


- gdal 1.10+
- wget
- pngquant 
- graphicsmagick 
- mbutil 
- ~200 Gigabytes of free storage

Getting Started

Install various utilities and libraries and create directories
Determine the date of the latest set of enroute charts. It will be a directory under "enroute"
This will need to be updated for every new cycle

    eg 12-10-2015
Edit paths to these utilities as necessary in the tile*.sh scripts
If you use setup.sh they will be cloned from github into this directory so no editing will be necessary
Edit allCharts.sh to add/remove various options for tile creation and merging
- Using -o will optimize individual tile size
- Using -m will create mbtiles for individual and merged charts

Note that both of these will add some significant time to the overall process
Execute allCharts.sh with correct parameters
./allCharts.sh /path/to/aeronav_charts date_of_enroute_set
    eg. ./allCharts.sh /home/test/Downloads/aeronav 12-10-2015
Wait a very long time (assuming all went correctly)
Individual charts should be in ./individual_tiled_charts/
merged charts should be in ./merged_tiled_charts/