AP_Ecommerce (Electronics)

This is the electronics website developed for the advanced programming project (CS-1208). The website has wide range of products including laptops, phones, accessories etc.

Programming languages:

Python, Django, HTML, CSS(Bootstrap), Javascript

Set up and initialising

Clone this directory into your local system.
Navigate into "ADV_Project/mysite" for your terminal.
Make sure you have all the packages installed in your system (ref: requirements.txt).
Run: python manage.py runserver

Admin Superuser

username: admin
password: admin


Aditya Joshi
Jenish Raj Bajracharya
Nidup Dorji




  1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIUezwWmVtFXaHcJ63ZM6uOJdhMrnZFFk
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQimoqo0-7g
  3. w3schools
  4. Django Documentation
  5. Bootstrap Documentation