
Personal website for Alina Jade Barnett. (Modified from airoldi.github.io, svmiller.github.io, and volfovsky.github.io, uses Jekyll and Academicons.)

Primary LanguageSCSS

Alina's personal website

This is my website, built from Srikar's website, which is built on Edo Airoldi's custom Jekyll theme. From Edo:

"This is my custom Jekyll theme, very slightly modified from svmiller.github.io and volfovsky.github.io, plus new Academicons 1.9.1.

Much of what is contained in here is derivative of those two works. That said, do observe the embedpdf.html and image.html files in the _includes directory. embedpdf.html uses Google Docs to allow for embedding of PDF files hosted on Dropbox. image.html provides fancier images than what is standard for Markdown. An example use of embedpdf.html can be observed in the cv.md file. An example use of image.html can be observed in the about.md file.

SVMiller's template uses data-driven navigation, which you can see in the menu.yml file in the _data directory. There's also a nav.html file in the _includes directory with modified header.html.

Mobile support is functional, though some white-spacing could be improved.

css and _sass directories also functional, if a bit cluttered. Do observe new colors I created for $clemson-orange and $clemson-purple in css/main.scss.

Contact me at airoldi@temple.edu. Better yet, contact Steven at svmille@clemson.edu, and thank him for the useful code he released."