
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Jentis is a Package to support app Tracking to Jentis.

Basic usage

First setup the TrackService by passing a TrackConfig object to the initTracking method (on App Start).

let config = TrackConfig(trackDomain: "https://kndmjh.demoApp.jtm-demo.com/", trackID: "demoApp", environment: .live)

TrackService.shared.initTracking(config: config)

Afterwards, let the user setup the vendors he allows tracking to. Use the setConsents method to pass Key-Value Pairs of vendors to the SDK. The setConsents method asynchronously returns whether it was successful or not. The method supports both, async/await & completion handler.

let result = await TrackService.shared.setConsents(consents: ["googleanalytics":true, "easymarketing":false])
switch result {
case .success:
    // Successfully set consents - display success to the user
case .failure:
    // An error occured - display error to user 

From now on you can track data using the push method. Pass key-value pairs to the method to add information. At least a track key is needed on each push request, use ["track":"submit"] to submit the tracking to the Jenkis server. The other keys can be used to track custom properties. The following values are tracked in the sdk by default.

Default Trackings

Key Description Example Value(s)
app_device_brand The brand of the device Apple
app_device_model The device model iPhone14,5 (for iPhone 13, see Lookup table for more Information)
app_device_os The device operating System iOS
app_device_os_version The device os Version 15.0, 13.1
app_device_language The device language de, en
app_device_region The device region specified in the device settings (not the current location) US
app_device_width The screen width of the device 390
app_device_height The screen height of the device 844
app_application_name The name of the application ExampleApp
app_application_version The app version 1.0, 2.1
app_application_build_number The app build number 1, 2, 3

Example usage

Example usage when the user navigates to a new screen (with custom properties included - use the String extension jentisToJSON to convert any JSON String to an appropriate Any? Object):

 let jsonStr = """
                {"property1":"value1", "property2":"value2"}
                """.jentisToJSON() as Any
TrackService.shared.push(data: ["track": "pageview", "pagetitle": "Tracking Screen", "virtualPagePath": "MainScreen/TrackingScreen", "testArray": ["property1": ["value1", "value2"], "property2":"value2"], "testJSON": jsonStr])
TrackService.shared.push(data: ["track": "submit"])


Use the debugTracking method to enable/disable debugging.

Enable Debugging

TrackService.shared.debugTracking(true, debugId: "62a9e9c727255", version: "2")

Disable Debugging


Helper Functions

This methods can be used to retrieve specific data from the SDK.


Returns the consentID which was created when the user first set his consents.

let consentID = TrackService.shared.getConsentId()


Returns the current consent settings.

let trackingOptions = TrackService.shared.getCurrentConsents()


Returns a Date object of the last time the user updated the consents.

let lastUpdateDate = TrackService.shared.getLastConsentUpdate()