This is the artifact repository for our NSDI '24 paper "Parcae: Proactive, Liveput-Optimized DNN Training on Preemptible Instances". [NSDI '24], [arXiv]
Parcae is a system that enables cheap, fast, and scalable DNN training on preemptible instances by proac- tively adjusting the parallelization strategy of a DNN training job to adapt to predicted resource changes before instance pre- emptions and allocations really happen, which significantly reduces the cost of handling these events. Parcae optimizes liveput, a novel metric that measures the expected training throughput of a DNN job under various possible preemp- tion scenarios. Compared to existing reactive, throughput- optimized systems, Parcae’s proactive, live-optimized solution considers both the throughput of a job and its robustness under preemptions. To optimize liveput, Parcae supports lightweight instance migration and uses an availability predictor to fore- cast future preemptions. It then uses a liveput optimizer to discover an optimal strategy to parallelize DNN training un- der predicted preemptions. We evaluate Parcae on a variety of DNNs and preemption traces and show that Parcae outper- forms existing spot-instance DNN training systems by up to 10×. More importantly, Parcae achieves near-optimal perfor- mance for training large DNNs under frequent preemptions, in which case existing approaches cannot make any progress.
- etcd v3.4.3
- PyTorch >= 1.8
- Apex
Our tested version is PyTorch 1.11 and CUDA 11.3.
The installation of Parcae is the same as installing DeepSpeed. You can also refer to the DeepSpeed documentation for detailed instructions.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Parcae is evaluated by replaying the trace on on-demand instacnes. Try Parcae with the following steps:
Parcae is built based on DeepSpeed. We also learned a lot from Bamboo (thanks John and Pengzhan) and TorchElastic.
author = {Jiangfei Duan and Ziang Song and Xupeng Miao and Xiaoli Xi and Dahua Lin and Harry Xu and Minjia Zhang and Zhihao Jia},
title = {Parcae: Proactive, {Liveput-Optimized} {DNN} Training on Preemptible Instances},
booktitle = {21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 24)},
year = {2024},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
url = {},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = apr