Attendance Management

Attendance management app with REST API in Node.js and React frontend.

Table of Contents

Project Description

A full-stack application for attendance management. REST API with CRUD operations and Excel batch creation. React frontend for intuitive user interface. Efficiently track and manipulate attendance records

Technologies Used

List the main technologies, libraries, and dependencies used in both the frontend and backend:

  • Backend:
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
    • Jest (for testing)
    • TypeScript
  • Frontend:
    • React
    • React Router
    • Redux Toolkit
    • MUI (Material-UI)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Copy code:
cd gestion-asistencias
  1. Install the backend dependencies:
cd backend
npm install
  1. Compile and build the backend:
cd backend
npm run build
  1. Install the frontend dependencies:
cd frontend
npm install


  1. Create the following variables inside .env in backend folder:
  1. Create the following variables inside .env in frontend folder:


  1. Start the backend server:
cd backend
npm start
  1. Start the frontend development server:
cd frontend
npm start

Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:5000.


To run tests for the backend:

cd backend
npm run test