
Meta-repository for the STITCHES documentation manuscript.

Primary LanguageRBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



STITCHES: creating new scenarios of climate model output by stitching together pieces of existing simulations

Claudia Tebaldi1* , Abigail Snyder2, and Kalyn Dorheim2

1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA

2 Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and University of Maryland, College Park, MD

* corresponding author: ctebaldi@lbl.gov


In this paper the authors introduce the emulator, STITCHES, which uses existing archives of Earth System Models’ (ESMs) scenario experiments to construct new scenarios, or enrich existing initial condition ensembles. This repository archives the data and scripts used in the experimental setup and analysis for the manuscript.

Journal reference

Submitted to Earth System Dynamics

Code reference

Contributing modeling software

Model Version Repository Link DOI
STITCHES v0.9.0 pre-release https://github.com/jgcri/stitches https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6463264


  1. Install the software components required to conduct the experiment from STITCHES
  2. Run the following scripts in the workflow directory to re-create the manuscript experiments:
    • A scripts that use STITCHES to emulate ESMs
    • AB scripts that produce STITCHES outputs and processes them for the manuscript
    • B scripts process, analyze, and visualize A outputs for the manuscript
    • NOTE: paths to input and output directories may have to be updated in the scripts.
Script Name Description
A.inital_cond_exp.py Script that emulates ssp245 & ssp370 GSAT at different tolerance and target ensemble sizes
A.tas_psl_pr.py Script that produces gridded outputs for ssp245 & ssp370 joint tas-ps-psl products
A.intermediate_exp.py Script that emulates intermediate scenarios using ssp126 and ssp585 runs as the archive, GSAT outputs
AB.experiment_tolerance_sweep.py Script that emulates intermediate scenarios using all available CMIP6 runs over a range of tolerances and calculates error statistics, GSAT outputs and summary statistics outputs
B.ICEnsembles_ESD.r Script evaluating the outputs of A.inital_cond_exp.py, calculating error statistics and plotting results
B.IntermediateScenarios_GSAT_ESD.r Script evaluating the outputs of A.intermediate_exp.py, calculating error statistics and plotting results
B.IntermediateScenarios_Gridded_ESD.r Script evaluating the outputs of A.tas_psl_pr.py, calculating SOI and error statistics and plotting results

Data generated from the A and AB steps for this publication are archived (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6461693).