
An iOS app to encourage movement via hand action recognition

Primary LanguageSwiftGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This project is part of the Making Movement Irresistable project - "Making Movement Irresistible (MMI) is a research project funded by Arts Council of Wales, National Lottery Health & Wellbeing award. The overarching aim is to develop an innovative suite of digital, online and wearable accessories that encourage improvisational movement interactions with older adults in a variety of residential settings."

This repository currently contains five different Xcode projects:

  1. 01_viaKodecoExampleCode
  2. 02_viaAppleExampleCode
  3. 03_visualisingGestures
  4. 04_viaSofiaDinizFreshStart
  5. 05_manualActionSelection

01_viaKodecoExampleCode is based on the following code:


Which was associated with the following article: Detect Hand & Body Poses with Vision in iOS from Kodeco.com previously known as raywenderlich.com.

The original raywenderlich.com source code was released on 2021/06/01 and is licensed as in the raywenderlichlicense in the 01_viaKodecoExampleCode folder.

02_viaAppleExampleCode is based on the code released with the WWDC 2021 session "Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML".

03_visualisingGestures was inspired by the Paul Hudson video: SwiftUI Special Effects – TimelineView, Canvas, particles, and… AirPods?!".

04_viaSofiaDinizFreshStart was based around the BabyChat released by Sofia Diniz.

05_manualActionSelection is a combination of all of the above, made before the support of Greg Chiste at Apple Developer Technical Support, who bug fixed the Hand Action recognition.