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Hi there 👋🏻

I am a consultant, course leader and artist.

As a consultant, I curate context and design constraints for projects.

  1. Curating context: I produce reference material, similar projects and other content that helps put a potential or current project into a wider context.
  2. Designing constraints: in order to help a project progress, I create limitations that allow a team to concentrate on a smaller set of challenges and move forward, learning from the process.

I love being a catalyst for learning for both students and clients, helping them to build capacity and enabling them to pass on their knowledge to others. I particularly love thinking about new uses of technology as part of a group and then helping to make those uses happen.

In learning I'm interested in connectivism, threshold concepts, open source and being anti-obfuscatory, or against the obscuring of communication.

Ever since I saw the Wizard of Oz I've been interested in the mechanisms or systems that enable stories to be told or society to function. I am interested in making work that allows for real-time interaction between people, places, stories and objects through the use of technology.

I am currently researching solar-powered computing, the history of weaving and global scale augmented reality sculpture.

If you've got a joke, poem, recipe, spell or otherwise, get in touch:

  • 🔭 I'm the Course Leader of the UAL Diploma in Apple Development 🍎 at the Creative Computing Institute, Camberwell, University of the Arts London. Find out more about the course in this interview.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning xrOS and Blender
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on creating mesh based solar powered computers
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with creating global scale augmented reality sculptures
  • 💬 Ask me about creative computing
  • 📫 How to reach me: via email: me at joelgethinlewis dot com
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I'm left handed and I don't like cheese.