An ASP.NET Core MVC small project to represents a website to gather car racers.
Huge props to Teddy Smith
- SQL Server 2019;
- Rider;
- Azure Data Studio and DBeaver (to manage SQL Queries);
- .NET 6.0.300;
- Cloudinary.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore (6.0.5);
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design (6.0.5);
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer (6.0.5);
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore (6.0.5);
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design (6.0.5);
- CloudinaryDotNet (1.17.0).
- ps: the images are now uploaded to Cloudinary;
- ps2: the in usage bootstrap theme is Darkly