
Port of X-Wings List Juggler from Python/Flask to Clojure

Primary LanguageCSSEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


This is a port of the X-Wing Miniatures List Juggler site (http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/) that is developed by @lhayhurst at https://github.com/lhayhurst/xwlists from the original python/flask code to Clojure. This isn't meant to replace his original code base or site, it's purely a side project for me to work on a web application using Clojure.

I use his site all the time for researching the current meta for X-Wing Miniatures. It's a great resource for anyone interested in the community or playing X-Wing.

This is also an effort at working with a somewhat bare-bones set of Clojure libraries for building webapps instead of relying on a framework like Luminus. That's not a knock across Luminus or frameworks but an attempt to work with simpler tools and explore what patterns emerge.

Getting Started

Clone the repository locally

%> git clone

Add the appropriate configuration for your database

%> cd xwlists-clj

%> cp resources/config.edn.example resources/config.edn

Install the dependencies with Leiningen using

%> lein deps

Go get the database from List Juggler

%> wget http://starwarsclubhouse.com/static/prod.sql

Load the database locally, which wil be dependent on your chosen implementation. @lhayhurst uses Mysql, so I went with that as well and used the execellent "Sequel Pro" tool available on OS X to load the database.

Run the application

%> lein run

Open the site in your local browser http://localhost:8080/