
A english chatbot build using seq2seq model

Primary LanguagePython

English Chatbot

Introduction to the Project:

This is a simple chatbot Project in English. Using Java swing to develop GUI and python pytorch 
to do the trainning and neural model.

This Project only achieve seq2seq model and do not accomplish parallel training (Thus slow in training) 

This Project is modified base on original Project : https://github.com/zhaoyingjun/chatbot (A Great Thanks!)

Explain to Each Folder and File:

ChatApp/: All Java GUI implemetation

config/: all resource Path and some static parameter

icons/: image resources

train_data/: all train data and trained model

data.py: formatting all the dialog inputs and creating dataset

execute.py: do training

runner.py: interface between Java GUI and pytorch model

seq2seqModel.py: model class

Recommend Environment:

Java 8, Python: 3.8, Pytorch: 1.12
other Package needed: Flask, numpy, nltk

Running Procedures:

There is already a 30-epoch training model base on the given dialog and wordlist
So if just want to run without any more training, then type "python runner.py" in terminal

If want to redo training by yourself, delete train_data/data_model.pt, and run "python execute.py"

If want to redo training with your own data, delete train_data/data_model.pt, train_data/data_running.pt.
And Strongly recommend go over the code data.py and execute.py to format your new dataset.

30 epoch trainning model example:

alt text