
ML project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is for class project in INST737.

Data source

source: https://data.stackexchange.com

Brief explanation of database is here: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2677/database-schema-documentation-for-the-public-data-dump-and-sede

Example data files to work with

For project ideatons, please refer to the example files (.csv). The brief description of each file can be found as below:

  • posts

Contains information of each post (a thread of a question & answer(s))

  • Users

Contains information of each user in Stack Overflow

  • Comments

Contains information of each comment attached to either a question or an answer

  • Badges

Contains information of each badge awarded to a user for the one's contribution to the site

  • Tags

Contains information of each tag associated with a post. A post may have multiple tags.

These datasets are taken from Stack Overflow only.

Below are the list of papers that you might find helpful for brainstorming.

Reference papers

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  • Discovering values~~ =======
  • From the paper titled: Discovering values~~~

27 features used


Questioner features (SA), 4 features total: questioner repu- tation, # of questioner’s questions and answers, questioner’s percentage of accepted answers on their previous questions.

Activity and Q/A quality measures (SB ), 8 features total: # of favorites, # of page views, # positive and negative votes on question, # of answers, maximum answerer reputation, high- est answer score, reputation of answerer who wrote highest- scoring answer,

Communityprocessfeatures(SC),8featurestotal:average answerer reputation, median answerer reputation, fraction of sum of answerer reputations contributed by max answerer reputation, sum of answerer reputations, length of answer by highest-reputation answerer, # of comments on answer by highest-reputation answerer, length of highest-scoring an- swer, # of comments on highest-scoring answer.

Temporal process features (SD), 7 features total: average time between answers, median time between answers, min- imum time between answers, time-rank of highest-scoring answer, wall-clock time elapsed between question creation and highest-scoring answer, time-rank of answer by highest- reputation answerer, wall-clock time elapsed between ques- tion creation and answer by highest-reputation answerer.

NLP analyses examples

For text summarization&classification

-Extracting Sentence Segments for Text Summarization: A Machine Learning Approach https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=345566

-BOOK: Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines: Methods, Theory, and Algorithms https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1105708

-Thumbs up?: sentiment classification using machine learning techniques https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1118704

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Other NLP analyses (not in papers, but in articles or other sources)


Other NLP analyses (not in papers, but in articles or other sources)


  1. 2015 presidential debate link

  2. Topic modeling of Stack Overflow questions link

General ML methods / Techniques

  • Which algorithm to solve my problem? link

Stack OVerflow papers