
An implementation of DDPA, a higher-order demand-driven program analysis.

Primary LanguageScheme


Artifact for the paper Higher-Order Demand-Driven Program Analysis.

Leandro Facchinetti lfacchi2@jhu.edu The Johns Hopkins University
Zachary Palmer zachary.palmer@swarthmore.edu Swarthmore College
Scott F. Smith scott@jhu.edu The Johns Hopkins University


  1. Install OCaml and OPAM.

    Windows Instructions

    Install OCaml for Windows, which includes the Cygwin shell with OCaml and OPAM preinstalled.

  2. Initialize OPAM:

    $ opam init
    $ eval `opam config env`
  3. Update & upgrade:

    $ opam update
    $ opam upgrade
  4. Switch to the appropriate compiler version:

    $ opam switch 4.06.1
    $ eval `opam config env`
    Windows Instructions


    $ opam switch 4.06.1+mingw64
    $ eval `opam config env`


    $ opam switch 4.06.1+mingw32
    $ eval `opam config env`

    depending on the system.

  5. Install the dependencies:

    $ opam install dune \
                   batteries \
                   menhir \
                   ounit \
                   ppx_deriving \
                   ppx_deriving_yojson \
                   "ocaml-monadic=0.4.0" \
                   monadlib \
                   "jhupllib=0.1.1" \

    Note that newer versions of some of the constrained packages above may work, but the above-listed versions were tested with this project.

  6. If your shell hashes binary locations, you may need to clear your hashes, for example (in Bash):

    $ hash -r
  7. Build:

    $ make
  8. Interact with the toploop (find sample programs at test-sources/):

    $ ./ddpa_toploop
  9. Run the tests:

    $ make test

toploop_main.native Command-Line Arguments

  • --log=trace: Enable verbose logging.
  • --disable-inconsistency-check: By default, the toploop checks programs for inconsistencies. For example, it checks that only functions appear in the operator position of a function call, and that only records appear in the subject position of a record projection. This inconsistency check forces variable lookups that interfere with benchmarking, and this flag disables it.
  • --select-context-stack=0ddpa: Uses DDPA with a 0-level context stack (which is a monovariant analysis). Any positive integer value is admitted here (e.g. 7ddpa).

Run the following for extended help (including options to produce diagrams of the incremental PDR graphs):

$ ./toploop_main.native --help


  1. Install Odefa.
  2. Install Racket 6.12 or newer.
  3. Install Racket dependencies:
    $ raco pkg install gregor
  4. Install P4F.
  5. Run benchmark/run.sh:
    $ bash benchmark/run.sh
  6. Run benchmark/collect-results.rkt:
    $ racket benchmark/collect-results.rkt

Developer Setup

Odefa depends on libraries which tend to develop at the same time as it does, but which are functionally independent and are designed to be used by other projects. Configure these libraries for local development by pinning them:

  1. jhupllib:

    $ git clone https://github.com/JHU-PL-Lab/jhu-pl-lib.git ../jhu-pl-lib
    $ opam pin add jhupllib ../jhu-pl-lib
  2. pds-reachability:

    $ git clone https://github.com/JHU-PL-Lab/pds-reachability.git ../pds-reachability
    $ opam pin add pds-reachability ../pds-reachability

When these libraries change, run

$ opam upgrade jhupllib pds-reachability