
Model deploy with FASTAPI and K8s

Primary LanguagePython

Model deployment using FASTAPI and local kubernetes


This project demonstrates the deployment of a Scikit-learn model in Kubernetes using FastAPI as the backend. The API supports asynchronous processing, allowing concurrent users to effectively utilize its capabilities. The API behaves as a job queue, enabling efficient handling of multiple requests. After the job is done, results are written to a MongoDB database, and they can be retrieved later using the unique job ID.

Getting Started

  1. Start Minikube:

    minikube start --memory 4096
  2. Deploy the fastapi application and mongodb database.

    kubectl apply -f fastapi_heart.yaml -f mongodb.yaml
  3. Check the pods created.

    kubectl get pods
  4. Check the service created.

    kubectl get svc
  5. Access the FastAPI application.

    minikube service <service_name>


  1. You can use the FASTAPI Swagger to test the /predict and the /result endpoint.
  2. Use curl to send a post request.
    • curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "Age": 0,
      "Sex": 0,
      "ChestPainType": 0,
      "RestingBP": 0,
      "Cholesterol": 0,
      "FastingBS": 0,
      "RestingECG": 0,
      "MaxHR": 0,
      "ExerciseAngina": 0,
      "Oldpeak": 0,
      "ST_Slope": 0

Server response will be something like this:

"status": "pending",
"job_id": "<job_id>"

Now use the job id to the /result endpoint

 - curl -X 'GET' \
'<job_id>' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Sever response will be something like this:

"job_id": "<job_id>",
"prediction": "1",
"elapsed_time": "0.059065818786621094"