Splash page for PaaS based volunteer computing experiments.
npm install
node index.js
If you want to use a Telegram channel, you need to add two environment variables:
- CHANNELID: your channel ID in "@mycoolchannel" format
- TOKENBOT: your bot token
If you want to create your own experiment, you have to modify:
- splash-volunteer/is_solution.js: in this file you have to write a function to decide if the sent chromosome is a solution.
- splash-volunteer/public/js/trap.standalone.js: here you have an example with the "trap function". You will need create a function to decide what is the fitness of a individual. To do this, you will have to sustitute
text with the name of your function (or use an anonymous function instead):
var eo = new Classic( { population_size: population_size,
chromosome_size: chromosome_size,
fitness_func: [YOUR FUNCTION] } );
Data files are in the
divided by experiment sets.