Find It Here(Movie)

User Story

As a lover of different TV Series/ Movies, I want to be able to search in one place where my TV series/ Movies are streaming(Hulu/ Netflix....), so that I do not have to search in multiple places.


This webpage allows a user to search for a movie or tv show and have the luxury of seeing the platform that streams these movies and or tv shows.


![pagePreview] (pagePreview)

[pageLink] (url:


James J. Gault

Colin Mudie

Javier Sevilla


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Foundation
  5. jQuery


The future technologies of this website should include suggested Movies or TV shows of the same genre/ type.


Driven by having to search for a movie in multiple places, having a website that displays all of the available major streaming platforms in one place will expedite my movie-going experience.


Some challenges of this webpage consisted of merging the code and having and dealing with merging conflicts. Getting the api endpoint to render properly. Also, implementing new foundation layout.


This project was built as a means to simplify movie searches and suggest new movies of the same type.


Using multiple API's to help the user to find their movie of choice and its streaming locations in one search.

Take away

The take away from this project was to display how the face to face and incremental/ close parts of agile development helps to push a project forward in a flexible and progressive way.


[link] (

Background credit goes to:

Cubes, by Mike Hearn