
This repository hosts my files for the chapter projects by The Odin Project(TOP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Projects in this repo

  • Hero Quotes
  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Goatin Sign up form
  • Etch a sketch
  • Admin Dashboard
  • StackOverBook

Description of each

  • Hero Quotes is a simple website that showcases famous quotes said by numerous heros of marvel or DC

    • Live website linked here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3 : creating layouts with Flexbox
  • Rock paper scissors is classic Rock paper scissors game where a user plays against a computer(well, sort of)

    • Live website here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3: layouts with flexbox
      • Javascript: DOM manipulation, Javascript data structures(lists, dictionaries), iterations, destructuring
  • Goatin Sign up form is a simple sign up form for a fictional company called Goatin

    • Live website here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3: layouts with flexbox, positioning
      • Javascript: DOM manipulation, Javascript data structures(lists, dictionaries), iterations, destructuring
  • Etch a sketch is a simple drawing app where a user can draw on a grid

    • Live website here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3: layouts with flexbox
      • Javascript: DOM manipulation, Javascript data structures(lists, dictionaries), iterations, destructuring, event listeners
  • AdminDash is a simple admin dashboard for a fictional company called Goatin

    • Live website here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3: layouts with flexbox, positioning, grid layout
  • StackOverBook is a simple library app where a user can add books to a list and mark them as read or not read

    • Live website here
    • The highlight of this project is the following:
      • CSS3: layouts with flexbox, positioning, grid layout
      • Javascript: DOM manipulation, Javascript data structures(lists, dictionaries, objects), iterations, destructuring, event listeners, object constructors


  1. Improve UI of all projects
  2. Make both all sites responsive
  3. Develop strategies for computer to beat human player more often by observing patterns of user choice and predictions
  4. Use grid for Etch a sketch

Any suggestions or feedback? Feel free to let me know