
A FUSE filesystem that automatically injects 1Password secrets into config files.

Primary LanguageShell

1Password FS

A FUSE filesystem that automatically injects 1Password secrets into config files. It uses CommandFS to do the heavy lifting.

Currently, all installation scripts are for MacOS, but it should be easy to perform similar steps on Linux, please make a PR if you have updated the install scripts to also work on Linux.



(Optional) edit settings.sh to set the destination directory to your liking

make install

In addition, ensure that spotlight does not index your 1PasswordFS directory. You can configure this in Settings > Siri & Spotlight > Spotlight Privacy.


  • Install FUSE
  • Install CommandFS
  • Ensure that 1PasswordFS is started at login (e.g. using systemd)


Put your config files in ~/1PasswordFS/encrypted, then symlink the same file from ~/1PasswordFS/decrypted to the correct location for whatever script is using it.


$ cat ~/1PasswordFS/encrypted/config.ini
$ ln -s ~/1PasswordFS/decrypted/config.ini ~/.config/someprogram/config.ini
$ cat ~/.config/someprogram/config.ini


  • In op version 2.26.0 or earlier, if you read a file while 1Password is still locked, it freezes the daemon. This is due to a bug in 1password-cli. You can fix this by running 1passwordfs restart or the ./reload.sh script. This is fixed since 2.26.1.
  • As with all FUSE-based solutions, when you update MacOS, the MacFUSE driver is no longer trusted. This means that after updates, you need to reinstall MacFUSE and reboot the OS.