
A library to scrape google images

Primary LanguagePython

Image Scraper

A library to scrape images from websites like Google, Getty and many more in the future.


  1. conda create --name imagescraper python==3.8.8
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download Google Chrome
  4. Download Google Webdriver based on your Chrome version (See Setup below for more info)


  1. Open cmd
  2. Clone the repository (or download)
    git clone https://github.com/JJLimmm/Google-Image-Scraper
  3. Install Dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Download the Chrome Webdriver
    • Download from here
  5. Change certain configs in main.py
    • line 21 website_list[index] for the website you want to scrape from
    • line 24 to add in the names of different objects you want to find
    • line 27 for the number of images you want to scrape
  6. Run the code
    python main.py


#Import libraries (Import in other website scrapers in the future)
from GoogleImageScrapper import GoogleImageScraper
from GettyImagesScrapper import GettyImageScraper
import os
from patch import webdriver_executable

#Define file path (Don't change)
webdriver_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'webdriver', webdriver_executable()))
image_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'photos'))

#Website used for scraping: 
website_list = ['google', 'getty', 'shutterstock', 'bing']
search_site = website_list[1] #change index number here to select the website you are using

#Add new search key into array ["cat","t-shirt","apple","orange","pear","fish"]
search_keys= ["cat","t-shirt"]

number_of_images = 10
headless = True

#Main program
#Choose if using Google or Getty Images Scrapper (or add in other options next time)
for search_key in search_keys:
    if search_site == 'google':
        image_scrapper = GoogleImageScraper(webdriver_path,image_path,search_key,number_of_images,headless,min_resolution,max_resolution)
    if search_site == 'getty':
        image_scrapper = GettyImageScraper(webdriver_path,image_path,search_key,number_of_images,headless,min_resolution,max_resolution)
    if search_site == 'shutterstock':
        image_scrapper = ShutterstockImageScraper(webdriver_path,image_path,search_key,number_of_images,headless,min_resolution,max_resolution)
    if search_site == 'bing':
        image_scrapper = BingImageScraper(webdriver_path,image_path,search_key,number_of_images,headless,min_resolution,max_resolution)
    image_urls = image_scrapper.find_image_urls()

#Release resources    
del image_scrapper

Development Roadmap:

[x] Add Scraping from Getty Images
[ ] Add scraping for shutterstock and bing (In-Progress)
[ ] Streamline all website scrapers into one script (Code Refactoring)
[ ] Support for other website browsers (Firefox, Edge)
[ ] Add in support for multiple image formats (e.g: jpg, png, jpeg) and reformat non-conventional image formats (webp, etc...)

Youtube Video:

Credits to ohyicong's initial Google Image Scraper
