A simple IOS file storage system using CUSSerializer achieve automatic support recursive model storage
1.Copy the folder named CUSFileStorage to your project
2.Copy the folder named CUSSerializer to your project.You can new version from git(https://github.com/JJMM/CUSSerializer)
CUSFileStorage *storage = [CUSFileStorageManager getFileStorage];
[storage setObject:@"value" forKey:@"key01"];
CUSFileStorage *storage = [CUSFileStorageManager getFileStorage];
NSString *value = [storage objectForKey:@"key01"];
CUSFileStorage *storage = [CUSFileStorageManager getFileStorage];
CUSStudent *model = [[CUSStudent alloc]init];
[storage setObject:model forKey:@"key01"];
CUSFileStorage *storage = [CUSFileStorageManager getFileStorage];
CUSStudent *model = [storage objectForKey:@"key01"];
CUSSerializer is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
Contributions are totally welcome. We'll review all pull requests and if you send us a good one/are interested we're happy to give you push access to the repo. Or, you know, you could just come work with us.
Please pay attention to add Star, your support is my greatest motivation, thank you.