Open Beam Interface

Overview of PCB



2 high speed DACs, 1 high speed ADC. Just what you need to control the beam and get an image.


Built on Glasgow, written in Amaranth.

Glasgow makes getting bytes in and out of the FPGA over USB radically more accessibe. We use that to make getting data into and out of your microscope radically more accessible.


Glasgow handles getting the bytes in and out of your computer. Our software takes those bytes and forms an image, while simultaneously streaming bytes to Glasgow to support raster and vector pattering applications.

Example Images

Nanographs Logo Fib milled ICE 40 FIB Blasted PS4 FIB Xsection Mystery Chip FIB Blasted Mystery Cip FIB Xsection


  • Order and test rev 1 PCBs (Design not uploaded, required significant rework)
  • Capture 16,384 x 16,384 images
  • Live viewer fast enough to focus and stigmate with
  • Raster pattern mode at 16,384 x 16,384 image resolution, with 8 bit grayscale dwelltimes
  • Order and test V1.0 PCBs
  • Refactor gateware to support 16 bit grayscale vector and raster patterning (thanks Whitequark)
  • Intergrate refactored gateware with UI
  • Make minor desing-for-manufacturing and thermal changes to V1.1 PCBs (V1.1 uploaded in progress state)
  • Order and test blanking and external/internal scan sellect PCBs
  • Implement UI for new 16 bit grayscale imaging, vector and raster patterning modes.
  • Implement Metadata for saved images

Supported microscopes

We have crafted this board to support as many microscopes as possible. We do not know of a SEM or FIB that specifically does not have these signals somewhere inside that can be tapped.

Many microscopes have an existing dedicated connector for external scan inputs. This was in general originally for external beam control coming from EDS or other X-Ray mapping systems.

For microscopes that do not have a dedicated external scan connector, the X and Y ramps that drive the scan coils exist somewhere. A relay can be installed to flip between internal and external scan. Sometimes even when microscopes have a dedicated connector it is better to tap the X and Y signals somewhere else.


  • Has a XY scan input that is either:

    • ±1-10V differential
    • ±1-10V single ended
  • Has a video output that is:

    • ±1-10V single ended

Tapping into the signal path may require fabricating a custom cable.

Specifically Tested Microscopes

Microscopes the board has been specifically integrated into, this is far from an exhaustive list of microscopes that we could interface with.

Full Support

  • JEOL 35C
  • JEOL 840
  • JEOL 63/6400

Partial Support

  • FEI XP Platform (support for single beam XY input, video output. Coming soon: support for blanking and internal/external beam control)
    • FIB 200
    • Expedia 830
    • Expedia 1230


We would like to thank our sponsors' generous sustaining contributions. Without them we would not be here today.

Microscope Donations

We are always open to potential microscope donations to use for hardware development, in order to expand the range of microscopes and capabilities we can support. Right now we are especially in search of FIBs, Dual Beams, and TEMs.

Financial Supporters

Thanks to the generous support of our financial sponsors we have been able to dedicate almost all of our time and facility resources to developing the project this far. We are looking for more sponsors in order to continue our work, involve more enginers, and take this project to the next level.

  • Superior Technical Services

    • Provides excellent 3rd party independent support and service for a range of FEI SEMs, FIBs, and Dual Beams
    • Sponsor since May 2023
  • SEMion

    • Provides FIB, SEM, and STEM analytical lab services. Also provides consumable services such as new LMISs, LMIS re-dipping, and GIS crucible refills.
    • Sponsor since May 2023

