
:flashlight:The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with an attractive and flat overlay.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


APK API Android Arsenal awesome-android

How to use:question:

Sample usage in your activity:

 new GuideView.Builder(this)
         .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
         .setContentText("Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text .....")
         .setGravity(GuideView.Gravity.AUTO) //optional
         .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.anywhere) //optional - default GuideView.DismissType.targetView



Step 2. Add the dependency


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
compile 'com.github.mreram:ShowCaseView:1.0.5'

Change type face

 new GuideView.Builder(this)
            .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
            .setContentText("Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text .....")
            .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.outSide) //optional - default dismissible by TargetView

Change title and Content text size

new GuideView.Builder(this)
            .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
            .setContentText("Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text .....")
	    .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.outSide) //optional - default dismissible by TargetView

Change Gravity

new GuideView.Builder(this)
         .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
         .setContentText("Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text .....")
         .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.outSide) //optional - default dismissible by TargetView

use Spannable for Content

 new GuideView.Builder(this)
            .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
            .setContentSpan((Spannable) Html.fromHtml("<font color='red'>testing spannable</p>"))
            .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.outSide) //optional - default dismissible by TargetView

Set Listener

  new GuideView.Builder(MainActivity.this)
                  .setTitle("Guide Title Text")
                  .setContentText("Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text\n .....Guide Description Text .....")
	          .setDismissType(GuideView.DismissType.outSide) //optional - default dismissible by TargetView
                  .setGuideListener(new GuideView.GuideListener() {
                      public void onDismiss(View view) {
                         //TODO ...

DismissType Attribute

Type Description
outside Dismissing with click on outside of MessageView
anywhere Dismissing with click on anywhere
targetView Dismissing with click on targetView(targetView is assigned with setTargetView method)

Additional Attributes in Builder

Name Description
setMessageBoxBackground For example you can set color for background message box
setBackgroundColor Changing the transparent background on other views
setCircleView Making circle border of targetView
setArrows Showing arrows on screen
setArrowClickListener Set onClick listener for arrows
setClickable Set "false" value , if you would handle touch and gesture by self
setCornerRadius You can use this method to specify the amount of border rounding
setShowcasePadding You can set a padding for the border of target view
setMessageYOffset You can increase or decrease message view offset in the y axis
setMessageXOffset You can increase or decrease message view offset in the X axis

Contribution 💥

Pull requests are welcome! 👏

You can improve/fix some part of it .

Add Tests:

Assuming that the code in question already has automated (unit) tests, do add tests for the code you submit. This isn't a hard rule. There are various cases where you may need to add code without test coverage (e.g. when adding a Object), but if it can be tested, it should be tested.


   Copyright 2018 Mohammad Reza Eram

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.