Property Management


By: Joseph Venable

GitHub. Linkedin.


  • This is a website for a property owner or multihome renter. The goal is to have a spot online to keep notes on properties and each sort of task needed at each.
  • The project currently runs locally, with a goal of having it be deployed through Heroku so that tasks can be updated or looked at on the go.
  • This is the product of two months of learning how to code. Thank you for reading this far!

Technologies Used:

  1. React
  2. JavaScript/HTML/CSS
  3. MongoDB/Mongoose backend
  4. Heroku

Getting Started

To run this locally, clone this to your repo to your local machine. CD into the backEnd, and run "npm start" or a similar command to start the backend server. Repeat in similarly in frontEnd to start the front end server. Having both local 3000, and local 3001 running, the website will open in your browser. Trello. CHD. ERD.


TaskList Page

Task List:

  • Add images to properties.
  • Add image input to maintenance request.
  • Deploy on Heroku/MongoDB


Photo of buidling used for backgrounds by Vlado Paunovic
This taught me how to set background to image imported.
NavBar styling help.
This to refresh page once a delete has been performed. Thanks to Vlad for the tip of what sorts of commands were out in the wild, and for helping me debug.
Technical Skills:

MarkDownGuide , MarkDownHomework