Inferring dependencies from the source code of a monorepo app
yarn add -D extract-dependencies-from-sources
pnpm i -D extract-dependencies-from-sources
extractDeps --packagejson ./package.json --path codebasePath
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--packagejson Root package.json path [required] [default: "./package.json"]
--path Codebase path [required]
--externaldeps Path to external dependencies file (optional)
extractDeps --packagejson ./package.json --path ./apps/back --path
Inferring dependencies from the source code of a monorepo app
For example, running the following command will replace the dependencies
property of the root package.json
with the dependencies found in the codebases located in apps/back
and libs/back/database
yarn extractDeps --path apps/back --path libs/back/database
You can also use the function directly in your code:
import { getCodebasesDependencies } from 'extract-dependencies-from-sources';
import { readJson } from 'fs-extra';
(async () => {
const data = await readJson('./package.json');
const deps = await getCodebasesDependencies(data.dependencies, [
You can also specify external dependencies to include in the output by providing a path to a yaml file containing a map of dependencies:
- msw: ^1.1.0
- eslint: ~8.36.0
You can then use the --externaldeps
option to include them:
yarn extractDeps --path apps/front --externaldeps ./external-deps.yml