
⚡ How does it work?

This is a monorepo handled via nx, meaning a few things will be simplified for us.

Please have a look at the documentation.

⚡ Getting started

# using fnm to set node version - https://github.com/Schniz/fnm
fnm use
# installing pnpm - https://pnpm.io/installation
curl -fsSL https://get.pnpm.io/install.sh | sh -
# Installing dependencies
pnpm i
# starting app worker
pnpm start worker


🔶 nx CLI

nx comes with its own CLI. Here is a short list of commands that may be handy:

Action Command
🆘 Get help!!! pnpm nx help
🚀 Run front and server locally pnpm dev
▶️ Run an action on one project pnpm nx run <project>:<action>
▶️ Run an action on all projects pnpm nx run-many --target=<action> --all
▶️ Run an action on a set of projects pnpm nx run-many --target=<action> --projects=<project1>,<project2>
▶️ Run an action only on projects containing changes pnpm nx affected:<action>
✅ Run tests for a project (watch) pnpm test-changes <project> or pnpm nx test --project=<project> --watch
✅ Run all tests for a project (watchAll) pnpm test --watchAll or pnpm nx test --project=<project> --watchAll
✅ Run all tests pnpm test or pnpm nx run-many --target=test --parallel --all
📊 Dependencies graph pnpm nx dep-graph

🔶 Actions

Actions are defined by project in project.json files. Here are a few standard actions:

Action Description
🛠️ build Builds the app/lib. Use --prod flag for a production build
🚀 serve Runs the app
⚠️ lint Run the linter against project files
✅ test Runs tests
☑️ e2e Runs end to end tests
🎯 sonar Runs sonarcloud scan for the app
📘 version Bumps package version
🎉 publish Publishes the package on npm registry

🔶 Useful flags

flag Description
--target=x specifies which action to run
--skip-nx-cache disables nx caching; the command will be ran fully
--verbose prints additional error stack trace on failure
--projects=x,x run-many: specifies which projects to run the action against
--parallel=x run-many: allows x tasks to be ran in parallel

⚡ Apps statistics

🚀 Frontend

Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Security Rating Reliability Rating Coverage Technical Debt Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%)

😼 Server

Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Security Rating Reliability Rating Coverage Technical Debt Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%)

⚡ Tech stack

Responsibility Documentation
🎁 Project tool nx
🗃️ Package manager pnpm
🧰 Language Typescript
‼️ Linting ESLint
✏️ Code formatting Prettier
⚛️ Backend framework Express
📡 Http requests axios
🧪 Testing library Jest
💪 CI/CD Github actions
🔬 Codebase analysis Sonarcloud