
Contains my RuneScape related scripts.

Primary LanguageJava

This repository contains scripts that I have made for RuneScape.

Bots have always fascinated me, and in January 2012 I decided to learn how to program. I used Simba to bot on RuneScape already and decided to make my first scripts for Simba. Simba uses Pascal as their scripting language.

After a couple days of programming I made my first working script, which played a flash game. A few weeks later I created my first RuneScape script which other people could use.

I didn't stop programming and I kept learning more and more. On 15 May 2012 I thought I had enough knowledge to apply as a SRL Member. After the voting ended I got accepted with 31 Yes votes and 2 No votes.

At this point my final exams were coming up and I made the choice for my university study: IT/Computer Science. When my final exams were finished my three month holiday started and I decided to learn Java. After watching many tutorials I had enough knowledge to make my first Java based RuneScape script after 1-2 weeks.

I started to make Java based scripts for TRiBot at first. TRiBot uses the unique concept of OpenGL hooking, it intercepts the OpenGL calls to draw on the screen. This resulted in an uptime of 100% while it could do nearly as much as reflection based bots.

Each time RuneScape updates, reflection based bots have to update their hooks. Once they got their hooks working they can read the actual game values which gives the most accurate results. Simba is a color based bot, it determines your position based on colors, etc.

I've also made scripts for Powerbot, Veloxbot and wBot. You can find most of my scripts here, some are not worth uploading and some are private scripts.