
Epicodus Week 11 Friday Project

Primary LanguageC#

Factory Manager

Database program for keeping track of Engineers and Machines

By Jonah Johansen

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • Entity Framework Core
  • .NET v5.0
  • ASP NET Core MVC
  • MySQL
  • Git and GitHub
  • ASP NET Razor
  • CSS Bootstrap


This App keeps a many-many relationship between Engineers and Machines for keeping track of a factory. Create, Edit, Delete, and View both machines and engineers and add and remove relations between any machine and engineer.


  • .Net 5.0 is required to build and execute this program.

  • MySql is required to connect the webserver to a Database

  • VS Code is recommended to edit project and build appsettings.json but any text editor will do the same task.

  • Download Repo from github or clone using git clone {gitURL}

Creating appsettings.json
appsettings.json is used to connect webserver to the sql server.

  • Create file appsettings.json in ~/Factory/.
  • Copy into appsettings.json this blurb replacing username and password with your sql database details.
  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=jonah_johansen;uid=[YourUserAccount];pwd=[YourPassword];"

Creating Database

  • Run dotnet ef database drop in the case database already exists (Will drop any databases named jonah_johansen)
  • Run dotnet ef database update to add database to MySql Server

Starting Web Server from Terminal:

  • Navigate from root directory to ~/Factory/ and run command dotnet restore to download and build project dependencies.
  • To Run Program: While in ~/Factory/ run command dotnet run. Program should compile and execute in terminal. If successful terminal will display the url for the Page. (Note url for https is not secure and will redirect to http)
  • Open page in browser using url given in terminal. Default: http://localhost:5000/.

Known Bugs

none tracked at this time


© Jonah Johansen, 2021

Licensed under MIT license

Contact Information

Jonah Johansen: Email