
A single header math library containing linear algebra for applications in computer graphics.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


cgra_math.hpp is a single header math library containing data structures and functions for applications in computer graphics, computational geometry and physical simulation. It serves as an alternative to GLM and is inspired by the functionality and style of GLSL; designed to be fast, flexible and easy-to-use.


Questions we frequently ask ourselves

Why did you make another math library?

Because we wanted to. There are a large number of existing libraries for linear algebra in C++ but the majority of them are either large and unweildly or small and devoid of many features. cgra_math.hpp is a single header file that provides a variety of data types and functions that most suitable for applications in Computer Graphics. It can be integrated straight into your source tree without any hassle.

Why C++14?

Why not? We use C++14 to take advantage of new language features in order to write code more simply and avoid having to increase the complexity of the code or remove library features for the sake of compatibilty.

Why are matrices column-major?

Originally this library was developed for use in OpenGL which requires the data to be packed in column major order. Array subscript operator allows you to access the matrix by column then row (x then y) which is easier for beginners to understand. A single array subscript operator also allows us to return a reinterpret cast of the data as a vector with length equal to the number of rows making it easier to modify.




Data Structures

basic_vec<T, N>

TODO constructors TODO operators TODO explicit template override

basic_mat<T, N>

Data is stored in column major order TODO constructors TODO operators

basic_quat<T, N>

TODO constructors TODO operators


A number of convenient aliases, which can be brought into scope with a using declaration. The typedefs for float based vectors and matrices are shown below GLSL naming scheme (default):

Type basic_vec<T, N> basic_mat<T, N, N> basic_mat<T, M, N> basic_quat<T>
float vecN matN matMxN quat
double dvecN dmatN dmatMxN dquat
int ivecN imatN imatMxN
unsigned uvecN
bool bvecN

Initial3D naming scheme

Type basic_vec<T, N> basic_mat<T, N, N> basic_mat<T, M, N> basic_quat<T>
float vecNf matNf matMxNf quatf
double vecNd matNd matMxNd quatd
int vecNi matNi matMxNi
unsigned vecNu
bool vecNb

HLSL naming scheme (TODO)

Type basic_vec<T, N> basic_mat<T, M, N>
float floatN floatMxN
double doubleN doubleMxN
int intN intMxN
unsigned uintN
bool boolN

Operator Overloads


Angle and Trigonometry Functions

Function Description
T radians(T x) Converts degrees to radians, i.e., degrees * pi/180
T radians(T x) Converts radians to degrees, i.e., radians * 180/pi
T angle(vecT v1, vecT v2) Returns the angle between 2 vectors in radians
T sin(T)
vecT sin(vecT)
The standard trigonometric sine function
T func(T x) description

S is a scalar, VecT is a basic_vec<T, N>, T is any type

Exponential Functions

Function Description
S pow(S x, S y)
vecT pow(vecT v1, vecT v2)
Element-wise function for x in v1 and y in v2
Returns x raised to the y power,
i.e., x^y
Results are undefined if x < 0
Results are undefined if x = 0 and y <= 0
S exp(S x)
vecT exp(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns the natural exponentiation of x,
i.e., e^x
S log(S x)
vecT log(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns the natural logarithm of x,
i.e., the value y which satisfies the equation x = e^y
Results are undefined if x <= 0.
T exp2(T x) exp2 for both scalar x or elements in vector x
Returns 2 raised to the x power,
i.e., 2^x
T log2(T x) log2 for both scalar x or elements in vector x
Returns the base 2 logarithm of x,
i.e., returns the value
y which satisfies the equation x=2^y
Results are undefined if x <= 0
S sqrt(S x)
vecT sqrt(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns sqrt(x)
Results are undefined if x < 0
T inversesqrt(T x) inversesqrt for both scalar x or elements in vector x
Returns 1/sqrt(x)
Results are undefined if x < 0

Common Functions

Function Description
S abs(S x)
vecT abs(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns x if x >= 0; otherwise it returns –x
S sign(S x)
vecT sign(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns 1 if x > 0, 0 if x = 0, or –1 if x < 0
S floor(S x)
vecT floor(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns a value equal to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to x
S ceil(S x)
vecT ceil(vecT v)
Element-wise function for x in v
Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to x whose
absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of x
T fract(T x) fract for both scalar x or elements in vector x
Returns x – floor (x)
T mod(T x) mod for both scalar x or elements in vector x
Modulus. Returns x-m*floor(x/m)
S min(S x, S y)
vecT min(vecT v1, S y)
vecT min(vecT v1, vecT v2)
Element-wise function for x in v1 and y in v2
Returns y if y < x; otherwise it returns x
S max(S x, S y)
vecT max(vecT v1, S y)
vecT max(vecT v1, vecT v2)
Element-wise function for x in v1 and y in v2
Returns y if y > x; otherwise it returns x
T clamp(T a, T minVal, T maxVal) clamp for both scalar a, minVal, maxVal or elements in vector a, minVal, maxVal
Returns min(max(x, minVal), maxVal)
Results are undefined if minVal > maxVal
S mix(S x, S y, S a)
vecT mix(vecT v1, vecT v2, S a)
vecT mix(vecT v1, vecT v2, vecT a)
Element-wise function for x in v1, y in v2 and a in va
Returns the linear blend of x and y, i.e., x*(1−a) + y*a
vecT mix(vecT v1, vecT v2, basc_vec<bool, N> va) Element-wise function for x in v1, y in v2 and a in va
Selects which vector each returned component comes from
For a component of a that is false, the corresponding component of x is returned.
For a component of a that is true, the corresponding component of y is returned.
Components of x and y that are not selected are allowed to be invalid floating-point values and will have no effect on the results.
Thus, this provides different functionality than, for example,
vecT mix(vecT x, vecT y, vecT(a))
where a is a Boolean vector.
S func(S x)
vecT func(vecT v)
S func(S x)
vecT func(vecT v)
S func(S x)
vecT func(vecT v)
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Packing Functions


Geometric Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Relational Functions


Integer Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Matrix Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Transform Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Quaternion Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Higher Order Functions

Function Description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description
T func(T x) description

Running the Testing Suite



Thanks to Ben (and Josh did stuff too I guess...).