Biddify | Rob Rutjes | Fontys ICT | Semester 3


GitHub issues

workflow GitHub issues

workflow GitHub issues

Getting Started

Welcome the biddify repository!

If you are new here carefully read this readme as it contains helpful information. This way you should have all the information needed to collaborate on the project.

Biddify is an application where a seller can sell his (second hand) products. And buyers can buy them. There should be an easy login & register page. After this a user can take a picture of his product and add a title, description, price for the product he wants to place on Biddify. Other users can scroll through all the listed products and buy them for the asking price. Also, there will be a list of bought and sold products for every user.

In the second phase of the development there could be support for live bidding and payment via external service for example Stripe.

React.js / Node.js install npm packages and run the application.

npm install
npm start

To run unit/integration tests run the following command.

npm test

All tests can be found in the /test folder of the project.

If not already exists you can create your own test file here.

Example product.test.js.

All tests are based on user stories, the name/description of the test should make this clear.

Example describe('US-04 | Als verkoper, wil ik een product kunnen aanbieden, zodat ik deze kan verkopen').


For an overview of where the project stands at the moment view the Biddify GitHub Projects dashboard. In this dashboard you can view which features still need to be implemented and the priority of them. When you start implementing the status of a feature goes to "in progress" when fully implemented the status goes to "done".

Every user story is stored as an issue, in the description are the acceptance criteria for the user story.

There also is an issue dashboard with all the created issues. Every issue has a priority, status and an assignee. In the description is a problem written down. And what has already been researched.


To start the (complete) project in Docker you need to download/pull the biddify-main repository.

In the root folder open a terminal window and run the following command to get inside the biddify-main folder.

cd biddify-main

Next run this command to get inside the Docker folder.

cd docker

Finally, to start all the project containers in docker you run the following command.

docker-compose up

Service URL
biddify-product-database http://localhost:3306
biddify-product-db-admin http://localhost:8080
biddify-product-node.js http://localhost:3002
biddify-react.js http://localhost:3001

API Documentation

The API documentation is automatically generated with Swagger.

After http://localhost:{PORT} add /api-docs for the Swagger documentation.

For example (product API): http://localhost:3002/api-docs.

Coding Conventions

In Biddify we use the third party addon Standard JS for keeping the JavaScript coding conventions in line.

How to use Standard JS?

First run Standard JS with npx, this should return a list with recommendations/errors:

npx standard

Error: Use JavaScript Standard Style
lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

To automatically fix all recommendations/errors, simply run the following command.

npx standard --fix

To ignore folders/files add them to the pakage.json. All paths in the project root .gitignore are automatically ignored.

  "standard": {
    "ignore": [

C4 Model

In the C4 level 2 model below you can see how all the services work together. Services starting with API are returning JSON, all database are using MySQL, the front-end is written in React.js.


Pushing to the master branch is locked.

When developing a new user stories you can push to the development branch. After this is completed a pull request is created to the master branch. The unit tests & code analysis will run automatically. When the pull request is accepted the docker image is automatically updated.

Pull Request

Within all the Biddify repositories we use pull requests to the master branch. A pull request should be reviewed within 2 working days after creation.