A plugin intended to provided compatibility between tmux and toggl track.
- Display the currently running Toggl timer duration in the tmux status bar.
This plugin relies on the python wrappers for toggl track's api provided by Toggl CLI.
Ensure that Toggl CLI is installed, accessible from your shell and configured properly before proceeding.
The plugin assumes that Toggl CLI is installed to the default python3
Add the following line to ~/.tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'JK-Flip-Flop96/tmux-toggl'
Ensure this line is set before the plugin manager is run i.e. before run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
The status line component can be added by including #{toggl_time}
in either your status-left
or status-right
in your ~/.tmux.conf
The status line component can be padded on the left and right when it is active by setting the following variables.
set -g @toggl-left-spacer ""
set -g @toggl-right-spacer ""
The above snippet surronds the component in Powerline half circles
The @toggl-icon
variable can be used to add a prefix icons to the component. For example, the following snipper adds a stopwatch icon and a leading space:
set -g @toggl-icon "祥"
- Keybinds for starting/stopping timers
- Custom tmux commands to interface with more of the toggl track api